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Rating:Aberdeen Woos More Americans in Columbus Circle Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Aberdeen Woos More Americans in Columbus Circle

Reported by Anastasia Donde

Scottish investment manager Aberdeen Asset Management held its third annual investment conference at the slick 10 On the Park event space at the Time Warner Center in Manhattan's Columbus Circle this Tuesday. The event had about 200 attendees and featured Aberdeen's executives and investment honchos, as well as famed economist Nouriel Roubini, champion tennis player John McEnroe and golf champion Colin Montgomerie.

Aberdeen has about $541 billion in assets under management globally, with the help of its recent acquisition of Scottish Widows Investment Partnership. (Before that, Aberdeen managed $317.5 billion, of which about $70 billion is in U.S. assets). The firm has been looking to grow its U.S. business.

The event on June 10 was free and Aberdeen hosts it as a way to network with its American institutional clients, financial advisors and prospects. Martin Gilbert, Aberdeen's global CEO announced the appointments of Andew Smith and Bev Hendry to the posts of Americas' co-heads and touted the firm's global investment perspective. Devan Kaloo, Aberdeen's head of the emerging markets, also talked about opportunities in the sector, while Roubini, who has been nicknamed Dr. Doom for his frequent pessimistic views, actually said a lot of the tail risks that people were worried about a couple of years ago have been eliminated or reduced, like fears of the fiscal cliff or a Eurozone breakup.

The cocktail reception in the evening featured Montgomerie sharing his winning tactics, a full bar, tasty hors d'oeuvres that included oysters, mini cones of tuna tartare, little caviar-topped crepes, and ricotta pizza. The venue itself offered panoramic views of Manhattan's high-rises and Central Park. All in all, 'twas a very polished affair, but we'd expect nothing less of the Scots! 

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