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Stories Published Between 7/1/2012 And 10/1/2012
9/28/2012 UPDATED: Nelson Peltz Starts Dumping Legg Mason Shares, Or Not
9/28/2012 An Alts Shop Wants Wholesalers
9/28/2012 BlackRock and the ICI: Ready to Compromise on Money Funds?
9/28/2012 A Former BlackRock Wholesaler Dodges Felony Charges
9/28/2012 Stork and Reaper for September 28, 2012
9/28/2012 FPA Hires a New Distributor for Its $20B Family
9/28/2012 A Judge Tosses a Janus Pay Case
9/28/2012 ALPS Launches a Fund Trust and Bags New Clients
9/28/2012 Delaware Scores an NHL Vet
9/28/2012 Coppers Arrest Two in the Gundlach Art Theft
9/28/2012 What Will Invesco's India Deal Cost?
9/28/2012 A Whistleblower Lawsuit Continues to Plague Alger
9/28/2012 M* Swings at Active Underperformers
9/28/2012 Here's More Speculation on Mr. Fink Going to Washington
9/28/2012 Brokerages Delay Complex New ETFs, Finds Reuters
9/28/2012 What Schwab's ETF Cuts Really Mean
9/28/2012 Jacksonville Rides Fidelity's Tide
9/27/2012 Gundlach Gets His Art Back!
9/27/2012 Geithner Asks the FSOC to Move on Money Funds
9/27/2012 Korn/Ferry Will Handle Fetting Successor Search
9/27/2012 NY Shop Eyes a Merger and an ETF Line
9/27/2012 Fido and Pimco Top M* Analyst Ratings
9/27/2012 NY Life Takes a Stake in a $2.2B Fund Shop
9/27/2012 Altegris Nabs a Guggenheim Sales Vet
9/27/2012 Invesco's Flanagan Takes the Other Side of Fidelity's India Bet
9/27/2012 Credit Suisse Shakes Up Its Asset Management Arm
9/27/2012 Mary Schapiro's Back, and Here Are More Rumors on Her Plans
9/27/2012 McNabb Says Vanguard's "Egalitarian," but Not Socialist
9/27/2012 Stocks Are No Longer the Belle of Fidelity's Ball
9/26/2012 Wasatch Hires to Reach Advisors
9/26/2012 Expect a Sales Expansion at a Montage Boutique
9/26/2012 A Gatekeeper Moves
9/26/2012 PwC Nabs a Former Top NYLIM Exec
9/26/2012 The Supreme Court Will Hear a Fundster Scion's Case
9/26/2012 Walt's Fee Cut Puts Schwab's Rivals in a Pickle
9/26/2012 Why Did Gross Sell His Treasuries?
9/26/2012 Forbes Takes a World Tour with Manning & Napier
9/26/2012 A Little More on Family Matters
9/25/2012 BFDS Loses Its FRC Hire
9/25/2012 It's Time to Research Janus Worldwide
9/25/2012 Mario Widens the Gap Between GAMCO and Teton
9/25/2012 An FSC Alum Finds a Home at Achaean
9/25/2012 Why SNW Gave Up on the Fund Biz
9/25/2012 Hasta La Vista, Smith Barney
9/25/2012 The Media Parties On Over the Gundlach Burglary
9/25/2012 The Next Star PM? Jaffe's On the Case
9/25/2012 Vanguard Creates 500K New Shares of an ETF
9/25/2012 BlackRock's Dividend Guru Focuses on Costs, Too
9/24/2012 Gundlach Wants to Give You $1.7MM
9/24/2012 Are Russell's ETF Players in Play?
9/24/2012 Federated Finishes Adding One Billion in AUM
9/24/2012 Mary Bush Takes Another Mutual Fund Gig
9/24/2012 Rochte Starts Building His Team in the Rockies
9/24/2012 Putnam Blogs for Advisors
9/24/2012 What Are the Bigger Effects of Schwab's ETF Fee Cuts?
9/24/2012 Gundlach Wanted "People Willing to Roll the Bones"; Now DoubleLine Is Worth Half a Billion
9/24/2012 Are Fundsters Cherry Picking Bond Bogeys?
9/24/2012 BBH PM Clemons Wants His Powder Dry
9/21/2012 FINRA Fines Fidelity
9/21/2012 Stork and Reaper for September 21, 2012
9/21/2012 Walt Talks ETF Fees
9/21/2012 Prove Shapiro Right, Win $5,000
9/21/2012 Scanlan Nears His CFO Choice for RS
9/21/2012 Schapiro Says the FSOC Will Take Up Money Fund Reform
9/21/2012 A Burglar Drives Off in Gundlach's Porsche Carrera 4S
9/21/2012 A Judge Keeps the Bents Waiting
9/21/2012 TCW Renews One Contract, But Is Gundlach Waiting to Pounce?
9/21/2012 T. Rowe Gets the Full M* Treatment
9/21/2012 M* Likes a Junk Bond ETF
9/21/2012 "Are These People Crazy?" Wonders Gross
9/21/2012 CNBC and Gundlach Rage Against M*'s "Garbage In, Garbage Out"
9/20/2012 With David as Sales Czar, What's Next for T. Rowe?
9/20/2012 Three Firms Beef Up Their Alts Ops
9/20/2012 Bernard Consolidates T. Rowe's Distribution Under One Man
9/20/2012 CLS Raises Its Bid on ETFs
9/20/2012 Legg Mason Is Paying Fetting What?
9/20/2012 Two Pairs of Johnsons Still Top Fundsters on Forbes' List
9/20/2012 Advisors Are Tired of Waiting for Vanguard's New ETFs
9/20/2012 Vanguard Ain't Afraid of No BlackRock Fee Cuts
9/20/2012 QE3 Is Heaven's Gift for Bond Kings
9/20/2012 Benzinga Calls Out "Dreadful" ETFs
9/20/2012 Bogle Talks Market Volatility and Speculation
9/19/2012 Ex-Fundster Takes the Road From Stock Car to Ponzi?
9/19/2012 Dai-ichi Already Doing Well with Janus
9/19/2012 Khalif Seizes the Northeast for Hatteras
9/19/2012 Franklin Resources Buys a Hedger
9/19/2012 Schapiro Ponders Her Fate as Her Commishes Write a Letter
9/19/2012 Gorman Strengthens His Hold on MSSB
9/19/2012 Gundlach Now Caters to Europeans as M* Ponders His CEF
9/19/2012 What Does the ProShares Ruling Mean for Leveraged ETFs?
9/19/2012 Bruce Berkowitz Regains His Footing and Some Positive Press
9/19/2012 Regs Cause Investors to Junk CDs for Junk ETFs
9/19/2012 M* Offers Parenting 101
9/18/2012 Everyone Knows Alts Are Booming, But McKinsey Says Some Aren't Ready
9/18/2012 Orinda's Mutual Fund Family Reaches Two ... and Growing
9/18/2012 ING Makes Its OCEO Changes Official
9/18/2012 CLS Has a New CEO
9/18/2012 Here's Why Reuters Is Wrong About Abby's Challenges
9/18/2012 What's Next for Legg Mason?
9/18/2012 The HNW Channel's Doors Open Wide to Mutual Funds
9/18/2012 Three Active Funds Slash Their Actives
9/18/2012 WSJ Columnist Covers Commodities
9/18/2012 Columnists Give a Hat Tip to Vanguard's Owens
9/17/2012 Rochte Will Do More Than Just Create Fidelity's ETFs
9/17/2012 Vanguard Is Still Kicking All Your Asses
9/17/2012 Exchange-Traded Concepts Launches Distribution Arm
9/17/2012 Pyxis Brings In a Senior Exec
9/17/2012 Fiduciary Management Says "Yes" to Barron's
9/17/2012 Gundlach Predicts and Recruits
9/17/2012 Barron's Says Invesco Is Too Cheap
9/17/2012 Katz Lets Loose on Legg and BlackRock
9/17/2012 Bair Fires a Shot Over Money Market Reform Failure
9/17/2012 The SEC Sues a Twin Cities Manager
9/14/2012 Fund Stocks Have a Good Friday
9/14/2012 A Pair of B-Ds Add Stadion
9/14/2012 TIAA-CREF's Financial Services Business Gets Revamped
9/14/2012 Stork and Reaper for September 14, 2012
9/14/2012 Two Shops Will Collaborate on ETFs
9/14/2012 Reporters Listen When Fido Says 8 is a Magic Number
9/14/2012 Fink Says He Still Studies Markets an Hour A Day
9/14/2012 Economist Paints Dramatic but Dull Picture of Bogle
9/14/2012 Investors Like Target-Date Bond ETFs
9/14/2012 Reuters Has an Epic on Commodity Mutual Funds
9/14/2012 Biz Journal Covers Analysts' Legg Mason Reactions
9/13/2012 Wilshire Bids Ohl Farewell
9/13/2012 Sentinel Turns to Expense Caps
9/13/2012 BlackRock Hops On the DST Vision Bandwagon
9/13/2012 Hooley Ascends at DST
9/13/2012 How Is Tom Marsico Like Mark Zuckerberg?
9/13/2012 What Will Joe Sullivan's Compensation Be At Legg Mason?
9/13/2012 iShares Launches a New Frontier Fund
9/13/2012 Gross Cuts Back on Treasury Bonds
9/13/2012 Will Gundlach Recruit More TCW PMs?
9/12/2012 SEC Promotes Ex-Legg Mason Compliance Exec Bowden
9/12/2012 M* Says ETF Managed Portfolios Grew 30 Percent This Year
9/12/2012 Mirae Asset Scores a Trademark Win
9/12/2012 Legg Mason Wants an "Open" CEO Search
9/12/2012 NY Times Muses Over Whether 401ks Need "Replacement or Reform"
9/12/2012 State Street May Need To Make Cuts
9/12/2012 Resnick Becomes Prez of Third Avenue
9/12/2012 Global X Halves Expense Ratio
9/12/2012 Firm Launches Terror-Free Fund
9/12/2012 Gundlach Has Equities Aspirations
9/12/2012 Vanguard Hits the Ball Back to BlackRock
9/11/2012 A Top Exec Leaves SSgA As the C-Suite Expands
9/11/2012 Surprised Analysts Like Legg Mason But Wonder What's Next
9/11/2012 Fitschen and Jain Reveal DWS' Fate
9/11/2012 Jeff Becker Gets a New Boss
9/11/2012 Who Is Joe Sullivan?
9/11/2012 UPDATED: Who'll Be Legg Mason's Next Chief?
9/11/2012 Mr. Market Cheers Fetting's Departure
9/11/2012 Fidelity Fends Off a 401k Fee Suit
9/11/2012 ProShares Beats a Class-Action
9/11/2012 Donahue Compares Money Fund Battle to Football
9/11/2012 A Judge Tosses a Key Witness For the Bents
9/11/2012 Steinberg Defends WisdomTree's Self-Indexing
9/11/2012 Fetting Falls; Legg Mason Taps a Temp CEO
9/10/2012 Two Fifth Third Deals Are Now Done
9/10/2012 DFA Lands A New 401k Partner
9/10/2012 Reports of a Fund's Death Are Greatly Exaggerated
9/10/2012 It's Official: BlackRock Will Cut Some ETF Fees
9/10/2012 Neuberger Berman Hires a Wirehouse Key Exec
9/10/2012 M* Says Fidelity Flounders
9/10/2012 A Hedge Fund Scandal Stings M*
9/10/2012 WSJ Is All Over Deutsche's Sale
9/10/2012 Vanguard Is Catching Up on ETFs
9/10/2012 T. Rowe Mid-Cap PMs Get a Barron's Interview
9/10/2012 Barron's Says BlackRock-Vanguard Fee War May Escalate
9/10/2012 Gundlach and Two Others to PM a Guidemark Fund
9/7/2012 Forward Expands with a New Distribution Head
9/7/2012 Mercer Funds Gives a Transfer Agent and Two Subadvisors the Boot
9/7/2012 The ICI Just Can't Let It Go
9/7/2012 Stork and Reaper for September 7, 2012
9/7/2012 Nuveen Looks to Raise Funds and Get a New Loan
9/7/2012 Western Asset Rebrands and Re-ups
9/7/2012 Vanguard Expands Its Fleet with a $40MM Complex
9/7/2012 Columbia PMs Managing $6.2B Retire
9/6/2012 Gundlach Inks a Subadvisory Deal
9/6/2012 The SEC Slams a Portland-based Advisor
9/6/2012 Pyxis Poaches a Wholesaler from Turner
9/6/2012 WANTED: Sustainable Fund Manager Seeks New Sales Head
9/6/2012 McCabe Is Looking for a New England Wholesaler
9/6/2012 Bill Gross Is Sweatin' to the Oldies
9/6/2012 J.P. Morgan Defends Its Copper ETF Plans
9/6/2012 Bernstein Says BlackRock Needs to Cut Expense Ratios
9/6/2012 Gen Cap Grabs a Pickaxe and Mines for ETF Riches
9/5/2012 Long-time Vanguard PM to Retire
9/5/2012 SimCorp Annoints a New CEO
9/5/2012 Eaton Vance Unveils Equity Funds
9/5/2012 Separation of Church and Funds? Not So Much, Study Says
9/5/2012 Virtus Buys an RIA
9/5/2012 Beacon Hill Wins a Client from Foreside
9/5/2012 Fidelity Welcomes MFS' Ex-DC I-O Chief
9/5/2012 Larry Fink and Sheryl Sandberg Have a Facebook Chat
9/5/2012 The ETF Biz Has a Long Tail
9/5/2012 Gross Reels In Billions
9/5/2012 Aberdeen PM Tops Bloomberg's Emerging Market List
9/5/2012 Asset Allocation Doesn't Matter?
9/4/2012 1.5 Million Participants Change Hands in a 401k Sale
9/4/2012 Loomis Rebrands a Fund Post-Lawsuit
9/4/2012 A Former T. Rowe Treasurer Dies
9/4/2012 Harbor Could Sell By October
9/4/2012 Artio Lays Off 25
9/4/2012 Barron's Likes Hank Herrmann's Path
9/4/2012 We Have No Army, Says DFA's Steiman
9/4/2012 Will Other ETF Shops Pull a Russell?
9/4/2012 Barron's Says There's "Little to Be Gained" From Broad ETFs
9/4/2012 Artisan's Yockey Earns a Profile
9/4/2012 Shundrawn Thomas Flexes Northern Trust's ETF Muscles
9/4/2012 Gross Trims His Mutual-Fund-ETF Gap
8/31/2012 Stork and Reaper, August 31, 2012
8/31/2012 As Summer Ends, Where Do Two 401k Deals Stand?
8/31/2012 ALPS and RiverFront Lower Fees
8/31/2012 For the Equity-Starved, First Trust Is Offering Self-Hedging Funds
8/31/2012 FSOC and Money Market Funds Remain in The Press
8/31/2012 Bogle Says Not Adopting Schapiro Reform Is "Risky"
8/31/2012 ETFs Feel the Fallout of the Apple-Samsung Rumble
8/30/2012 Touchstone Breaks into 401ks Via Fifth Third Funds
8/30/2012 Bandon Warns Against Complacency in Fixed-Income Investing
8/30/2012 U.S. Global Investors Earnings Struggled in Q4 and 2012
8/30/2012 SEC Commishes Escalate War of Words
8/30/2012 London Whale Blows for PMs Holding JPM Stock
8/30/2012 Gross and Gundlach Differ on What Will Come Out of Jackson Hole
8/30/2012 Black Swans Do Exist, or So Bets First Trust Advisors
8/30/2012 Bill Gross to Paul Ryan: Thanks for the Money
8/29/2012 The Cover Up, Not the Mistake, Took Down a Legg Mason Advisor Funds CFO
8/29/2012 American Beacon Pulls Out a Board Chair for an Ex-Van Kampen CEO
8/29/2012 BIC Colors With a Bond Alts Fund
8/29/2012 WisdomTree Still Seeks Its COO
8/29/2012 Abby's Good Heir Day Reviewed
8/29/2012 BlackRock Predicts a Bond ETF Boom
8/29/2012 FT Details How Donahue, Hawke Outfoxed Money Fund Detractors
8/29/2012 Ivascyn's Got Gross Beat
8/29/2012 Paul Ryan's Mutual Fund Holdings Are Under Examination
8/28/2012 Westwood Makes Friends with the Canadians
8/28/2012 Former Invesco General Counsel Dies
8/28/2012 Ned Hands Abby Fidelity's 'Core Businesses'
8/28/2012 Calamos Taps Two Ex-Fund Firm CEOs
8/28/2012 Forward Makes a Marketing Push
8/28/2012 Arrow's Grand Plans Include Its Own Distributor
8/28/2012 Thomson Unveils the New Lipper Chiefs and Vision
8/28/2012 UPDATED | Nick Calamos Has Three Weeks Left as co-CIO
8/28/2012 ETF Closings: Dumping "Dead Wood"?
8/28/2012 More Stock Fund PMs Go Anywhere
8/28/2012 A SteelPath PM Chats About OpFunds
8/28/2012 Institutional Investors and Wealth Managers Eye ETFs
8/28/2012 T. Rowe Unveils a New Center in D.C.
8/28/2012 WisdomTree Rebrands a Fund
8/27/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 27, 2012
8/27/2012 Manning & Napier Debuts Income-Generating Funds
8/27/2012 Forward President Jeff Cusack Departs
8/27/2012 Don't Expect Geithner to Rush to Schapiro's Rescue
8/27/2012 American Century Stands By Armstrong's Livestrong
8/27/2012 NYT Scrutinizes the Rogers-Obama Relationship
8/27/2012 Fund Giants Mull Libor Suits
8/27/2012 More Media Outlets Question SEC Commissioner Aguilar's Vote
8/27/2012 Star Trib Spotlights Mairs and Power's Strong Returns
8/24/2012 SEC Puts Arrow's Active ETFs in Flight
8/24/2012 Palladiem Hires a Sales Director for Its TAMPalike
8/24/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 24, 2012
8/24/2012 Money Fund Reform Spotlight Turns from SEC to FSOC
8/24/2012 Why Did Aguilar Stand Up to Schapiro?
8/24/2012 Two Shops Cheer the SEC MMF Decision
8/24/2012 Morgan Stanley Bets Big on Facebook
8/24/2012 Pyramis Shakes Up Its Distribution
8/23/2012 Brand Jumps the Calamos Ship
8/23/2012 A Distro Specialist Aims to Buy ETF Strategists
8/23/2012 Hatteras Promotes for Alternative Funds CIO
8/23/2012 Calamos Bets On Black
8/23/2012 Schapiro Surrenders
8/23/2012 Berkowitz Leans a Little Less on Warren Buffett
8/23/2012 Mutual Funds Lean on ETFs
8/22/2012 BlackRock Bucks the Trend
8/22/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 22, 2012
8/22/2012 Eaton Vance Earnings Fall… Again
8/22/2012 Ameriprise's CD-Fund Arm Names a New Boss
8/22/2012 Reuters Updates the TCW Suit
8/22/2012 Allianz Trims the Target for Pimco
8/22/2012 FSI Joins the Chorus Against Money Fund Regs
8/21/2012 EIG Files a TCW Complaint
8/21/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 21, 2012
8/21/2012 Money Manager Brings in New Blood
8/21/2012 Curian Debuts Two New Alternatives Strategies
8/21/2012 Angel Oak Launches Its I-Share Class
8/21/2012 INTECH Expands Its Executive Team
8/21/2012 American Funds Stays "Copacetic"
8/21/2012 Nine Mayors Oppose the SEC
8/21/2012 Donahue Stands Up For Money Funds
8/21/2012 Benzinga Hypes Three Bond Funds
8/20/2012 CMG Drops Three Subadvisors
8/20/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 20, 2012
8/20/2012 Huntington Goes Higher Tech
8/20/2012 Another Fund Family Leaves the Target Date Space
8/20/2012 Lessons from Jack Bogle
8/20/2012 Russell Shutters All Its ETFs but One
8/20/2012 BMO Adjusts Its Game Plan
8/20/2012 Janus Focuses on Fixed-Income Funds
8/20/2012 What's in a Fund's Trading Name?
8/20/2012 Columbia Files for New Active ETFs
8/17/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 17, 2012
8/17/2012 Fund Shop Goes West
8/17/2012 Bent Pines for Congress to Pick Up the Phone
8/17/2012 A 20-Year T. Rowe Price Veteran Will Step Down
8/17/2012 A Mutual Fund Lawsuit Is Tossed
8/16/2012 Cook & Bynum Celebrates a Five-Star Rating
8/16/2012 Rezabek Brings a JPM Alum Back to Huntington
8/16/2012 Natixis Finds New Media Representation
8/16/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 16, 2012
8/16/2012 This ETF Message Is Brought to You by the SEC
8/16/2012 Direxion Is Stepping on ProShares' Turf
8/16/2012 BlackRock Has Sold the Second-Most Shares YTD
8/16/2012 Janus Will Be Saved by Fixed-Income Funds
8/16/2012 A Brazil ETF Has Backers
8/16/2012 Two New ETFs From EGA
8/15/2012 Former PM of $5.5 Billion HIMCo Fund Moves On
8/15/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 15, 2012
8/15/2012 BlackRock Gives a $663MM Fund a Makeover
8/15/2012 Active ETFs: Yea or Nay?
8/15/2012 ETF Deathwatch for August
8/15/2012 NY Fed Chief: Schapiro's Money Fund Regs Are Not Enough
8/15/2012 "Dogs of the Dow" Are For The Dogs, Barron's Writes
8/15/2012 A Fund Shop Exec Verbally Commits to Beantown
8/15/2012 Capital Advisors Adds a Mutual Fund to Its Portfolio
8/14/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 14, 2012
8/14/2012 An Ex-Marsico PM Lands at a New Shop
8/14/2012 First Trust Launches More ETFs
8/14/2012 First Trust Celebrates at NASDAQ
8/14/2012 A New Global Balanced ETF from John Hancock
8/14/2012 BlackRock Poaches a Putnam PM
8/14/2012 Fed Says Mutual Funds Needed Support
8/14/2012 M* Details Janus' Talent Troubles
8/14/2012 Fitch Updates Criteria for Fixed Income Fund Ratings
8/13/2012 Vanguard Loses the Top Spot on a Fund-Flows List
8/13/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 13, 2012
8/13/2012 Schwab Adds to Its List of Top Fund Picks
8/13/2012 The LA Times Supports Schapiro's Money-Market Reforms
8/13/2012 More Active ETFs Draw Attention
8/13/2012 Gross vs. Grantham on Stocks
8/13/2012 Bogle Just Keeps Going
8/13/2012 Barron's Weighs In on the ETF War
8/13/2012 Key Players React to Paying ETF LMMs
8/10/2012 The Sun Rises on Janus Shares
8/10/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 10, 2012
8/10/2012 A NASCAR Fund Hits the SEC Skids
8/10/2012 How Do an Olsen Twin and an Ex-Prez of France Tie In to the TCW Sale?
8/10/2012 Janus' Slide Goes All The Way to Japan
8/10/2012 SEC Flaunts Its Money-Fund Bailout List
8/10/2012 Do Fidelity's ETFs Spell Success?
8/10/2012 Three Funds "Hit It Out of the Park"
8/9/2012 Fido Retirement Bolsters Its AUM
8/9/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 9, 2012
8/9/2012 Carlyle Buys TCW
8/9/2012 Hatteras Rehires Hutten
8/9/2012 SEC Plans an Experts' Meeting to Discuss High-Tech Trading
8/9/2012 A Knight's Tale: A History of the LMM's Trading Crisis
8/9/2012 UBS-SSgA Deal Close But No Cigar
8/9/2012 Former ING Exec Making a Move
8/9/2012 Janus PM Leaves
8/9/2012 Money Fund Firms Hedge Their Bets
8/9/2012 Fido Posts Earnings For Q2
8/9/2012 Knight Back on Its Trading Throne
8/9/2012 Will Russell Do a FocusShares on Its ETFs?
8/8/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 8, 2012
8/8/2012 Oaktree Releases Its First Report Since Its IPO
8/8/2012 Emerald Revamps Its Flagship Fund
8/8/2012 DeAM Hangs on a RREEF
8/8/2012 Stocks Are Pimco's "Stepchild"
8/8/2012 August Brings a Big Day for Money Funds
8/8/2012 State Street Shrinks in Mass
8/8/2012 AdvisorShares Introduces Another Hedge ETF
8/8/2012 Are Diamonds Forever for ETFs?
8/7/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 7, 2012
8/7/2012 FocusShares Liquidates Its ETF Line
8/7/2012 Knight of the Living Dead
8/7/2012 Have Firms Regained their Faith in Knight Capital?
8/7/2012 Who Got Hit Hard By Knight Glitch?
8/7/2012 Knight to Add Three to Board as Part of $400MM Deal
8/7/2012 Russell Scales Back Its $300MM ETF Business
8/7/2012 Fundsters Await TCW Deal Confirmation
8/6/2012 IndexUniverse Names a New EIC
8/6/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 6, 2012
8/6/2012 Kornitzer Appoints Distribution Head
8/6/2012 Strong Capital Down to One
8/6/2012 Is Pimco Working to Dominate the Active ETF Market?
8/6/2012 Your Fund May Be Doing Better Than You Think, Says WSJ
8/6/2012 Moats Work, But Not Forever
8/6/2012 WSJ Puts Vanguard and American Funds in the Spotlight
8/6/2012 Are You Following Any Fund Shops?
8/6/2012 Go-Anywhere PMs Suffer as They Miss U.S. Market Rally
8/3/2012 WTF Is an ETF LMM?
8/3/2012 $503 Million Allianz Fund Changes Subadvisors
8/3/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 3, 2012
8/3/2012 Hennessy Posts Profit in Q3
8/3/2012 ETF Markets Calm After Knight's Sinking, Say Honchos
8/3/2012 Knight Troubles Bring Chaos to ETFs
8/3/2012 Kraus Casual About Vanguard Breakup
8/3/2012 PM Don Taylor Goes Slow
8/3/2012 At Last, Fidelity Enters the ETF Field
8/3/2012 Knight's Clients Reroute Orders After $440MM Loss
8/2/2012 Bill Gross' Paycheck Was Number Two
8/2/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 2, 2012
8/2/2012 The Hartford Loses $101 Million in Q2
8/2/2012 Prudential Sees Increase in AUM
8/2/2012 Manning & Napier Reports Outflows and Decreased Revenue in Q2
8/2/2012 Pioneer Grows RIA Sales Team
8/2/2012 Vanguard Boots AllianceBernstein
8/2/2012 Putnam's Outflows Shrink
8/2/2012 Virtus is Ready for Its Closeup
8/2/2012 Fidelity Flips Facebook
8/2/2012 PowerShares Creates a Payout ETF
8/2/2012 Fidelity 401ks Feel the Sting of a Declining Stock Market
8/2/2012 ICI Members Spend $16M Fighting Money-fund Changes
8/1/2012 FocusShares Has a New CEO
8/1/2012 Stork and Reaper for August 1, 2012
8/1/2012 Asset Managers Catch A Break
8/1/2012 AdvisorOne Drops a Subadvisor
8/1/2012 Cook & Bynum Picks Up BHIL Distributors
8/1/2012 SocGen Writes Down TCW
8/1/2012 Companies Offer Flexible Funds
8/1/2012 Takeover of the Nerds
8/1/2012 M* Vets Two Young, Overlooked Funds
8/1/2012 Gross Foresees The Death of Equities
7/31/2012 TCW Rumors Heat Up As July Ends
7/31/2012 Stork and Reaper for July 31, 2012
7/31/2012 AMG Releases Q2 Results, and Ups Its Stake in an Alternatives Shop
7/31/2012 Gemini Picks a President and a CEO
7/31/2012 Bogle Joins a Board
7/31/2012 French Workers Approve the TCW Sale
7/31/2012 Vanguard's Ex-Chairman Joins GE Board
7/31/2012 Fink's Under Pressure
7/31/2012 Did Bill Gross Really Pay Himself $200 Million Last Year? Reuters Investigates
7/31/2012 More Volatility Coming for Bank Stocks
7/31/2012 Jack Brennan Assumes Corporate Directorship at GE
7/31/2012 PowerShares Preps a New ETF
7/30/2012 Mirae Finds New Leadership for Its Global ETF Biz
7/30/2012 Franklin Resources' Net Flows Down, But Still Positive
7/30/2012 Stork and Reaper for July 30, 2012
7/30/2012 Hedge Funds Crashing the Mutual Fund Party, Says Barron's
7/30/2012 Jaffe Warns Against New KKR Funds
7/30/2012 iShares Backs Esma Guidelines on ETF Transparency
7/30/2012 State Street to Offer New ETFs
7/30/2012 Local Paper Reports on New Mutual Fund
7/30/2012 Choice of Heir at Pimco Causes Stir
7/27/2012 Stork and Reaper for July 27, 2012
7/27/2012 Legg Mason Kicks Off 2013 in the Negative
7/27/2012 WisdomTree's Earnings Pruned by Litigation Expenses
7/27/2012 Another Big Ouch for Janus
7/27/2012 Investors Eye Low-Volatility Funds
7/27/2012 JP Morgan Will Offer TDFs With ETFs
7/26/2012 Fidelity Plans to Make Securities-Lending Rates Transparent
7/26/2012 Federated Earnings Are A Mixed Bag
7/26/2012 Stork and Reaper for July 26, 2012
7/26/2012 del Rey Boosts Its Sales and Research Operations
7/26/2012 Morningstar Experiences Slow Growth
7/26/2012 S&P Capital IQ Examines Worthwhile New ETFs
7/26/2012 Target Date Funds Are Turning to ETFs
7/26/2012 Fund Giants Probe Extent of Libor Damage to Clients
7/26/2012 Invesco's Q2 2012 Earnings Are Down
7/25/2012 The Plumb Falls From Thompson's Tree
7/25/2012 Huntington Keeps its Touch on Midas Funds
7/25/2012 Stork and Reaper for July 25, 2012
7/25/2012 Liquid Alternatives and Managed Futures Are Popular
7/25/2012 J.P. Morgan Catches Regulatory Flak Over Another Fund
7/25/2012 Is There an ETF Fee War Brewing?
7/25/2012 T. Rowe Price Q2 Results: Earnings Up, Funds Performing
7/25/2012 Legg Mason Eyes International Clients
7/24/2012 Eaton Vance and CLS Lose Gigs
7/24/2012 Stork and Reaper for July 24, 2012
7/24/2012 Cogent Crowns Vanguard ETF King
7/24/2012 Fido Alums Join Bush for Dinner
7/24/2012 Even TDFs Are Getting the Gray Lady's Scrutiny on Fees
7/24/2012 FPA Loses International Value Strategy PM
7/24/2012 M*'s Kinnel Sees Berkowitz, Heebner and Friess' Successor Breaking
7/24/2012 Helmet On, Principal Funds' Cuniff Rides to Barron's
7/23/2012 Stork and Reaper for July 23, 2012
7/23/2012 First Trust Kicks Off Trading Day
7/23/2012 Vanguard ETF Report Critical of Back-Tested Data
7/23/2012 Barron's Cries Foul on Back-Tested ETF Performance Data
7/23/2012 Pimco PM Finds Perks in Being a Vulture
7/23/2012 ING Votes Against Sudan-Related Holdings
7/23/2012 Jaffe: Investors Are Smarter Than We Think
7/23/2012 Fink Gets Tough on PMs
7/23/2012 Pioneer Expands in Asia
7/20/2012 Clark Will Offer Total Return in a Mutual Fund
7/20/2012 Dow Jones Courts Advisors
7/20/2012 Stork and Reaper for July 20, 2012
7/20/2012 Buyout Firm KKR to Offer Mutual Funds
7/20/2012 Fund Coppers Delay JPM's ETF Okay
7/20/2012 NY Fed Aims at Money Funds
7/20/2012 Massachusetts Breaks Up With Fidelity
7/20/2012 Guggenheim Focuses On ETFs
7/19/2012 Stork and Reaper for July 19, 2012
7/19/2012 ProShares Pioneers ETFs Into Uncharted Territory
7/19/2012 Foreside Deals for a Distributor
7/19/2012 American Funds Looks to Its Sister Company for a Boost
7/19/2012 Schwab Brings In Guggenheim ETF SVP
7/19/2012 BlackRock Faces Competition in the ETF Business
7/18/2012 OpFunds' SteelPath Buy Is Both Deliberate and Serendipitous
7/18/2012 Stork and Reaper for July 18, 2012
7/18/2012 McCabe Builds Stadion's Team
7/18/2012 Could Egypt Steal Pimco's CEO? No Says El-Erian.
7/18/2012 Why Are BlackRock Shares Cheap Asks the WSJ
7/18/2012 Pimco's Total Return ETF Passes Another Milestone
7/18/2012 Advisor Pub Highlights ETF Spat Between Vanguard and Bogle
7/18/2012 MarketWatch Columnist Looks at AQR and Defensive Equity Funds
7/17/2012 Peregrine Scandal Claims a Mutual Fund
7/17/2012 Stork and Reaper for July 17, 2012
7/17/2012 OpFunds' Steely Glavin Masters the Path to a Deal
7/17/2012 SEC Settlement Costs Daifotis
7/17/2012 Class Action Lawyers Slap J.P. Morgan With Suit Over Its Mutual Fund Sales Practices
7/17/2012 Royce PM Nadel Is Not Giving Up on Europe
7/17/2012 What Hollywood Stocks Do PMs Like?
7/17/2012 Advisor Pub Warns: Say No To Style Drift
7/16/2012 M* Finds the Foolish Approach to Funds to be Working
7/16/2012 Stork and Reaper for Monday, July 16, 2012
7/16/2012 A Look Into USAA's New Advisory Team
7/16/2012 Fund Shops Nix Sleepy Summers to Woo Advisors
7/16/2012 Barron's Sees Slower Growth for ETFs
7/16/2012 Vanguard Bond Chief Worries Over U.S. Budget
7/16/2012 Jaffe Expects "Ineffective Overkill" on Money Fund Reform
7/13/2012 The Boston Behemoth Seeks A PR Guru
7/13/2012 An MSSB Model Maker Changes Teams
7/13/2012 Stork and Reaper for Friday, July 13, 2012
7/13/2012 Emerald Advisory Services Taps a Subadvisor
7/13/2012 A Hancock Vet Takes Harstein's Place
7/13/2012 Grandeur Aims for Higher Peaks With New Additions
7/13/2012 A $5B Lone Star PM Steps Down
7/13/2012 Templeton Fills Motyl's Post
7/13/2012 DEA Doesn't Appreciate This Fund Exec's Distibution Efforts
7/13/2012 ProShares Adds Two New ETFs
7/13/2012 Some Big European Money Funds Close to New Investors
7/13/2012 Money: It's What They Want
7/13/2012 FlexShares Passes the Billion-Dollar Mark
7/13/2012 New Derivatives Regs May Lock Some European Asset Managers Out of the Market
7/12/2012 A Five-Star PM Retires
7/12/2012 Thursday's MFWire Stork and Reaper
7/12/2012 Pru Says Women Have the Dough
7/12/2012 Oh Hires at Janus
7/12/2012 Gundlach Outsells Them All
7/12/2012 Regulators Circle J.P. Morgan
7/12/2012 Your Source Powers AdvisorShares' 15th ETF
7/11/2012 Brown Brothers Has High Hopes for Vanguard's European ETFs
7/11/2012 USAA Drops Batterymarch, Hires Two
7/11/2012 Schwab Pairs with Mondrian ... Again
7/11/2012 Surprise, Surprise: Alternatives Are Popular
7/11/2012 Columnists Say "Eh" to NYTimes' JPMorgan Exposé
7/11/2012 Wells' Real Estate Nixes REIT Fee
7/11/2012 Money Funds and the One Percent
7/10/2012 Marsico Loses the Lead PM of a $530M Fund
7/10/2012 Hennessy Has FBR's Russell Parker Feeling Good
7/10/2012 Calvert Taps ING for a Marketer
7/10/2012 Davidson Adds its Second Fund
7/10/2012 Bloomberg Gives AMG's Healey the Full Treatment
7/10/2012 Sheldon Jacobs Still Weighs in on Funds
7/10/2012 Fairholme's Roller-Coaster Ride Continues
7/10/2012 An Ex-Van Kampen CEO Takes a Private Equity Gig
7/10/2012 ETFs Gain Traction in 529 Plans
7/9/2012 Fund Subadvisors Face a Tough Market
7/9/2012 Virtus Added A Billion-Plus AUM in Q2
7/9/2012 AQR Opens Four New Funds
7/9/2012 PacLife Funds Targets Income Investors
7/9/2012 Dimensional's Got a New Asia CEO [UPDATED]
7/9/2012 Equity Funds and Treasury Yields Are Down
7/9/2012 TDFs Are More Complicated Than You'd Think
7/9/2012 Janus, One Year Later
7/9/2012 Bridgeway Funds Determined to Cross Over to Success
7/9/2012 The NYTimes Considers REIT Funds
7/9/2012 Gross Versus ... Gross
7/9/2012 Yahoo Chats Up Sauter
7/9/2012 U.S. Responds to European Cuts
7/6/2012 Natixis Taps an Affiliate for a Value Fund
7/6/2012 Shop Focused on the Business Cycle Preps Its First Fund
7/6/2012 Two UBS Funds Join the Nationwide Family
7/6/2012 Is SocGen Down to One for TCW?
7/6/2012 There's Better Than a One-in-Three Chance That WisdomTree Sells
7/6/2012 Four Legg Mason Funds To Take Western Brand
7/6/2012 Calamos Celebrates American Independence with Three Hires
7/6/2012 Virtus ETF Wins Ink as Top Performer
7/5/2012 Investor Confidence Wavers in Q2, Says John Hancock
7/5/2012 SEC Picks a Champ to Police Funds
7/5/2012 Cassler Broadens John Hancock's DC I-O Focus
7/5/2012 GSAM to Close Up Target-Date Mutual Funds
7/5/2012 Credit Suisse Sells Aberdeen Stake
7/5/2012 Fed Hints at Tighter Rules for Money Funds, One Way or Another
7/5/2012 Antiquated Rules Hinder ETF Revolution
7/5/2012 BlackRock Sued by Former PM
7/3/2012 A PM Leaves M.D. Sass, and His Fund Follows
7/3/2012 RS Investments Wins a Subadvisory Gig
7/3/2012 William Blair Reins in International Growth
7/3/2012 John Hancock to Liquidate a $228M Fund
7/3/2012 KABOOM! NY Times Goes After JPMorgan Fund Sales Practices
7/3/2012 American Funds Not Top of RIAs' Minds
7/3/2012 Gross' Bond Fund Makes a Notable Turnaround
7/3/2012 MFDF's Wyderko Says Directors Have Tougher Job
7/3/2012 Northern Trust's Support is a Flashpoint for Money Market Debate
7/3/2012 ICI and SEC In a... Statistics War?
7/3/2012 ETF AUM Hit the Trillion Mark
7/2/2012 Cassler is Boosting His Sales Teams
7/2/2012 Swan Trumpets a New Fund
7/2/2012 Morningstar Played by the Fools
7/2/2012 AllianceBernstein is a "Poster Child" for Asset Managers' Woes
7/2/2012 Are ETFs the Future Money Market Funds?
7/2/2012 Villere Wins Barron's Profile
7/2/2012 Fed's Rosengren Backs Schapiro on Money Funds
7/2/2012 Rowland Reviews Key June ETF launches
7/2/2012 Regulators Consider CPR for Indian Mutual Funds

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