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Stories Published Between 10/1/2007 And 1/1/2008
12/31/2007 Bush Inks Darfur Divestment Bill
12/31/2007 The MFWire's Most-Read Stories in 2007
12/31/2007 Jaffe Foretells the Fund Industry's Future
12/31/2007 2007 Gains Were Small in Diversified Stock Funds
12/28/2007 Sell-Side Jobs are in Demand
12/28/2007 Woman Sues Fido Over Failure to Honor Guarantee
12/28/2007 Money Market Funds See a Drop in Assets During the Latest Week
12/28/2007 A Junk Bond Manager Gets WSJ Play
12/27/2007 Eaton Vance Taps Chief For Two Channels
12/27/2007 What's on Chris Cox's Plate in 2008?
12/27/2007 WSJ Takes a Look at Which Long-Short Funds Flourished and Faltered
12/26/2007 Some ETFs Are Handing Out Sizable Capital-Gains Distributions
12/24/2007 How a Bond Fund Escaped the Subprime Mess
12/24/2007 Janus Bails Out Three Funds
12/21/2007 Vanguard Responds to Demand with New ETFs
12/21/2007 The Keystone State Can be the Key to Your Success
12/21/2007 Janus Shuts Off the Spigot for Three of its Funds
12/21/2007 Harvard Investment Managers are in the Hot Seat
12/21/2007 SunTrust Sinks $1.4 Billion into Two of its Money Market Funds
12/20/2007 A Golden Combination for Evergreen
12/20/2007 Rydex in a Quandary over a Quorum
12/20/2007 Eveillard Sees Opportunity in Fear
12/20/2007 Invesco Again Takes Aim at Aim
12/20/2007 Janus Taps an Ex-Pac Life Prez for a Board Seat
12/20/2007 OppFunds Broadens its Target-Date Time Horizons
12/20/2007 Pimco Readies its Target-Date Funds
12/19/2007 A New Study Advises Fund Firms on How to Create New Products
12/19/2007 Highmark Insources Sales, Seeks National Sales Director
12/19/2007 kasina Pens a How-To Guide for Web 2.0
12/19/2007 Columbia Picks Head of Global Consultant Relations
12/19/2007 Bear Stearns to Hedge its Bets on a New Mutual Fund
12/19/2007 Sudan Divestment Bill Clears Congress
12/18/2007 Wells Fargo Reorgs Advantage Funds
12/18/2007 Perritt Lands Retirement Distribution for its Funds
12/18/2007 Jaffe Drops Part Two of His 'Lumps of Coal List'
12/18/2007 Will Legg Mason be Fêteing Mason's Replacement for the Holidays?
12/18/2007 Evergreen Plans to Fold Eight Muni Bond Funds into One Fund
12/17/2007 McColgan Lands a Post-Fido Gig
12/17/2007 ALPS Hires National Sales Director
12/17/2007 Fido to Lose Multi-Tasking PM
12/17/2007 Barclays' ETNs to Make Jump to the Arca
12/17/2007 Legg Mason Subsidiary Launches Large Cap Strategy
12/17/2007 Fund Companies Lobby for More Bond Contract Protections
12/17/2007 UPDATE | Morningstar to Buy Data Provider
12/17/2007 Putnam May Plug Into New Sales Force in '08
12/14/2007 Back Office Job Fair
12/14/2007 SEI Searches for a New CIO
12/14/2007 Morningstar Makes a List of Fund Industry Surprises, Checks it Twice
12/14/2007 China Investment Corp. is on the Hunt for External Money Managers
12/13/2007 Fund Managers Ponder Lessons from the Bond Market Turmoil
12/13/2007 Integrity Rolls Out Phase Two of Website Campaign
12/13/2007 Phoenix Gives Gresham Reign Over Product Management and Marketing
12/13/2007 BlackRock's Vice Chairman to Leave Company
12/13/2007 Putnam Lovell Finds a Grim Future for Active Fund Companies
12/13/2007 Most Fund Managers to Get Bonus Hike
12/12/2007 Integrity Picks Best Wholesaler to Cover Arizona
12/12/2007 BGI List Three New ETFs on the Market
12/12/2007 Schwab Looks to B-Ds for Distribution Push
12/12/2007 UMAs May Trump SMAs with Tax Benefits
12/12/2007 Morningstar Takes A Look at the Funds Hard-Hit by the Subprime Crisis
12/11/2007 A Firsthand Way to Help the Environment
12/11/2007 Two Fund Companies Invest to GROW
12/11/2007 Fed Gives Rate a Modest Cut
12/11/2007 Thain Brings Over NYSE Exec to Head Merrill Communications
12/11/2007 Death and ETN Taxes
12/11/2007 Jaffe Fills Fund Industry Stockings with Lumps of Coal
12/11/2007 Janus' Stock Thrives Amid Market Turbulence
12/10/2007 Florida Real Estate Firm Launches its First Mutual Fund
12/10/2007 Domini Wins Award for Investing for the Greater Good
12/10/2007 PNC Adds an Analytics Firm to its Repertoire of Acquisitions
12/10/2007 SEC Saps Sapio
12/10/2007 Hartford Sees Mutual Fund Net Flows of $4B to $6B in '08
12/10/2007 ALPS Rocks a New Private Equity Fund
12/10/2007 Alger Rolls One Tech Fund Into Another
12/10/2007 Vanguard Goes Long on New Treasury Index Fund
12/10/2007 BGI to Relocate S&P GSCI Commodity-Indexed Trust
12/10/2007 Money Funds Lock Up $600 billion in Inflows for '07
12/10/2007 Financial Services Fund Managers Change Course to Avoid Credit Pitfalls
12/10/2007 Amid the ETF Boom, Merrill's Holdrs Dwindle in Popularity
12/7/2007 Nuveen Appoints a New CIO
12/7/2007 Artisan Draws Up Launch Plans for its New Global Fund
12/7/2007 Fido Fund Has a New Manager at the Helm
12/7/2007 Is Vanguard Planning to Launch a Hedge Fund?
12/7/2007 Schwab Targets Three New Years for Lifecycle Funds
12/7/2007 Mutual Fund Usage by Advisors Seen to Decline by More than 10 Percent by '09
12/7/2007 All-American Fund Company Jobs
12/7/2007 Federated Taps New Director for B-D Sales Unit
12/7/2007 Who is the End Consumer for Muni Bond ETFs?
12/7/2007 Report: Schwab's SIV Holdings Don't Pose a Significant Threat to its Money Market Funds
12/6/2007 Wells Real Estate Funds Makes Changes to its Domestic REIT Fund
12/6/2007 Van Eck Adds a New ETF to the AMEX
12/6/2007 Fink Sees Opportunity Everywhere in the Subprime Mess
12/6/2007 Pru to Set Up Fund Shop in India
12/6/2007 More Bond Fund Investors Seek Legal Aid to Recoup Losses
12/6/2007 Janus Names New Institutional Head
12/5/2007 Fido Names Shared Services President
12/5/2007 SSgA Falls from FRC's Top Selling Funds List
12/5/2007 AIM Intros Program That Aids Advisors in 401k Market Strategy
12/5/2007 529s Add More Conservative Options
12/5/2007 Fund Managers Sense China is About to Bubble Over
12/5/2007 Judge Tosses Solomon Smith Barney Fee Suit
12/5/2007 SEC Taps New Inspector General
12/4/2007 Another SPDR Makes Tracks for the AMEX
12/4/2007 Direxion Launches Three Funds
12/4/2007 PowerShares to List Three Buy-Write ETFs
12/4/2007 Stephens Funds Lands Retirement Distribution Deal
12/4/2007 Three Former Putnam Execs Off the Hook with Massachusetts Regulators
12/4/2007 Money Funds Play SIV Roulette
12/3/2007 ALPS Hires Three
12/3/2007 UMB, MFAC to Co-Sponsor Investment Managers Series Trust
12/3/2007 Employees Lead a Buyout of Johnson Asset Management
12/3/2007 Integrity Integrates New Tool into its Website
12/3/2007 Large-Cap CIO Decamps Putnam
12/3/2007 Re-Org Makes an Old Vanguard Fund New Again
12/3/2007 Ultrashort Bond Funds Turn Out to Be Riskier than Expected
12/3/2007 Fundamental Indexing Hits a Snag
12/3/2007 Ameriprise's Funds Spread Wings to Other BDs
12/3/2007 INVESCO 'Scheme' Gets High Court Nod
11/30/2007 Jobs for Those with a Canadian Twist
11/30/2007 FocusShares Lists Four New Gimmick ETFS on the Arca
11/30/2007 Vanguard to Roll Out Three New Funds-of-Funds that Focus on Distribution
11/30/2007 Fund Track Revisits PowerShares Filing
11/30/2007 Fido Rechristens Growth and Income Fund with Jazzier Name
11/30/2007 Pzena Slapped With Suit Post-IPO
11/29/2007 SEC Summarizes Summary Prospectus
11/29/2007 PowerShares Powering Up Active ETFs
11/29/2007 Integrity Integrates New Regional Director
11/29/2007 The Reserve Ranks Third Among Family-Owned U.S. Asset Managers
11/29/2007 Deputy Enforcement Chief is Leaving the SEC
11/29/2007 Pru Drops the Name of its New CEO, More Personnel Announcements Expected
11/29/2007 Money Market Funds Continue Asset Climb
11/29/2007 Frontier-Market Funds Seen to Take Off
11/29/2007 Bond ETFs Seen as a Rival to Traditional Bond Mutual Funds
11/28/2007 Janus Adds to Fund Lineup
11/28/2007 Wilshire Launches 130/30 Mutual Fund
11/28/2007 BWN Media, SaveDaily Team Up to Upgrade Personal Finance Portal
11/28/2007 New MFS Website Puts the Focus on RIAs
11/28/2007 Van Eck ETFs Ship Out
11/28/2007 Value Investing Goes Out of Style
11/28/2007 XShares Lands 401k Distribution for its ETFs
11/28/2007 Great-West Hasn't Lost its Hunger for More U.S Asset Management Shops
11/28/2007 Security Global Investors Puts Focus on Wholesaling Efforts
11/27/2007 Security Global Investors Lifts Out a Nationwide Portfolio Team
11/27/2007 First Trust Adds an ETF to the Amex
11/27/2007 SEC Names New York Enforcer
11/27/2007 Morningstar Makes a Disclosure Wish List
11/27/2007 More Infra-Centered Funds Seen to Enter the Market
11/27/2007 Hedge Funds Seek Sustainability
11/26/2007 GLD Makes Tracks for the NYSE Arca
11/26/2007 SEC Names New Director of Exemptive Applications
11/26/2007 Claymore to Move "Luxury" ETF to the NYSE Arca
11/26/2007 Bowne & Co Names New CIO
11/26/2007 Hancock's Proposal Tool Impresses the Techies
11/26/2007 Vanguard Taps Xerox Exec for Board Seats
11/26/2007 Russell Readies Retirement Income Funds
11/26/2007 Fund Outflows Trigger a Lawsuit for Pzena
11/26/2007 Fido's Institutional Clients Respond to Moody's Concerns
11/26/2007 Fund Firms Push for Change in Tax Treatment of ETNs
11/21/2007 Larry Fink May Have Found His Calling in at the Helm of the Super-SIV Fund
11/21/2007 BNY Mellon to Establish China Venture
11/21/2007 Nuveen's New Owner Gets Two New Chiefs
11/21/2007 Execs at Columbia and State Street are Disappearing as the Subprime Woes Deepen
11/21/2007 Dreyfus to Unveil Asian Emerging Market Fund
11/20/2007 Study Takes a Look at Advisers' Mutual Fund Usage
11/20/2007 MFS Investors Get Their Fair Fund Payday
11/20/2007 Monetta Markets Young Investor Fund to Gift-Giving Parents
11/20/2007 Eaton Vance's Q4 Earnings Up 59 Percent
11/20/2007 SSgA's Fixed Income Chief to Depart
11/20/2007 Columbia Continues Management Reorg with Three New Appointments
11/20/2007 Morningstar Tallies Fund Redemption Damage
11/20/2007 iShares to Migrate to NYSE Arca Next Month
11/20/2007 Operators of Money Funds Feel the SIV Pinch
11/20/2007 SEC Pushes Back Decision on Janus' Distribution Plan
11/19/2007 SunStar Guru Teaches Press Conferences 101
11/19/2007 Bowne Unifies Operations Under New President
11/19/2007 SimCorp Makes FinTech 100 List for the Second Year
11/19/2007 Consumers Ignore Money Market Warnings
11/19/2007 Market Rewards Islamic Fund for Avoidance of Financial Institutions
11/19/2007 FINRA Takes Aim at Variable Annuity Sales
11/19/2007 PowerShares Plans Three ETF of ETFs
11/16/2007 ICI Public Relations Vet Jumps to the CFP Board
11/16/2007 Fitch Lowers Outlook on Legg Mason
11/16/2007 BGI Adds its First ETFs to the NASDAQ
11/16/2007 Follow the Wagons West for Great Job Opportunities
11/16/2007 Fund Companies Show Support for New SEC Disclosure Regs
11/16/2007 Two New PowerShares ETFs Make an AMEX Debut
11/16/2007 More Trouble for Money Market Funds
11/16/2007 Forward Management Scraps Redemption Fees
11/15/2007 Goldman Sachs Asset Management Celebrates Budding Media Relations
11/15/2007 SEC Votes In Favor of Disclosure Proposal
11/15/2007 Integrity Slashes Fees in Small Cap Fund
11/15/2007 Report: Investment Management M&A to Keep Going Strong in the New Year
11/15/2007 Two New Democratic Nominees Surface at the SEC
11/15/2007 Morningstar Deepens its Relationship with Microsoft
11/15/2007 Analyst: Fido's Stock Funds to Rediscover Good Performance
11/15/2007 Analyst: Fido's Stock Funds to Rediscover Good Performance
11/14/2007 Report: Larry Fink Never Offered Top Job at Merrill
11/14/2007 Number of U.S Households Holding Mutual Funds Rises Slightly
11/14/2007 Winslow Grows a Second Green Offering
11/14/2007 Black: No SIVs, Please
11/14/2007 Financial Intermediary Websites Get Ranked
11/14/2007 Phoenix Raises Hofmann Through the Ranks
11/14/2007 Pyramis Adds Five New Members
11/14/2007 Nuveen Stock Off the Market as Madison Dearborn Closes the Deal
11/14/2007 Ahrens Bets His Gaming-Only Fund will be Winning for Years to Come
11/14/2007 Fred Alger Unveils 130/30 Strategy
11/14/2007 Fido Sets Up Shop in London
11/13/2007 Lawyers Hunt for More Plaintiffs in WM Funds Suit
11/13/2007 Principal Funds Expands International Roster
11/13/2007 Sentinel To Acquire Citizens' SRI Biz
11/13/2007 UPDATE 11 | Third Quarter Earnings Results for Fund Companies
11/13/2007 Chicago Firm's Debut Mutual Fund Lands on OneSource
11/13/2007 Money Managers Take Action on SIVs
11/13/2007 Morningstar Gives Janus a Downgrade
11/12/2007 Report: Kapito is the 'Most Likely' Successor to Fink
11/12/2007 Index-fund Advocate Knocks Actively Managed Funds in His Annual 'Lemon List'
11/12/2007 Small Fund Firms Fare Well with Pittsburgh Advisor
11/12/2007 Fido International Chooses Global Investment Chief
11/12/2007 It's a Banner Year for Securities Law Violations
11/12/2007 FundQuest Readies Rollout of Funds that Marry Active and Passive Strategies
11/9/2007 Old Mutual Asset Management reports the AUM of its Member Firms
11/9/2007 Report: Baer to Seek IPO for U.S. Fund Shop
11/9/2007 WisdomTree to Complete ETF Transfer by the End of the Month
11/9/2007 Sunny California is a Haven for Jobseekers
11/9/2007 SEC Names Associate Director for Examinations in Denver
11/9/2007 Delayed Shareholder Vote Holds Up Rydex-Security Benefit Deal
11/9/2007 S&P Gives Junk Rating to Marsico Notes
11/9/2007 Star Manager Streaks in Trouble as the Market Sinks
11/9/2007 WSJ: Fido Succession Plan Calls for Abby as Chairman, but Not Necessarily CEO
11/9/2007 Money Market Fund Assets Hit $3.001 Trillion
11/8/2007 New kasina Study Debunks Sales Compensation Myths
11/8/2007 Pop Culture Marketing Helps New Fund Company Court 20- and 30-Somethings
11/8/2007 Franklin Templeton to Limit Access to Investors' SSNs
11/8/2007 Hartford in the Hunt for New Mutual Fund Team Members
11/8/2007 SPARX Asian Funds is in the Market for a Few Good Wholesalers
11/8/2007 Moody's Raises Concerns over Ned's Tight Grip on Fido
11/8/2007 SEC to Weigh Fund Disclosure Proposals Next Week
11/8/2007 SEC Regulations Burdening Fund Directors
11/7/2007 Fido Puts Out Three New Funds
11/7/2007 New Rydex Leveraged ETFs Make Their Debut
11/7/2007 DWS Scudder Going Green
11/7/2007 OppFunds' Market Outlook Brightens Reporters' Day
11/7/2007 Success of Team Managed Funds May Signal Curtains for Star Fund Managers
11/7/2007 Another Janus Skipper Heads Out the Door
11/7/2007 New Morningstar Products will Target Derivatives
11/6/2007 T.Rowe Tops New Target-Date Fund Ranking System
11/6/2007 ING Looks to Expand U.S. Reach with Online Brokerage Purchase
11/6/2007 Tamarack Finds More Retirement Plan Distribution.
11/6/2007 Security Benefit Added to Defendant Roster In Fragasso Case
11/6/2007 SSgA Promotes from Within for Strategy and Research Group Head Position
11/6/2007 State Muni-Bond Taxation Practices Look to be Upheld by the Supremes
11/6/2007 Bill Miller Sounds Off About Future Investment Choices
11/6/2007 PowerShares Crosses the Atlantic
11/5/2007 Hartford Hires Wachovia Vet to Head Mutual Fund and 529 Business
11/5/2007 Touchstone Makes Four New Sales Hires
11/5/2007 Hartford Chief Ayer Interested In an Acquisition
11/5/2007 New Sub-Advisory Relationship Leads to Two New Funds for Schwab
11/5/2007 Texas Fund Firm to Add Second Fund
11/5/2007 Tech-Firm Study Finds Favor Among Fund Companies for Short Prospectus
11/5/2007 PowerShares Beefs Up its Fixed-Income ETF Family
11/5/2007 PIMCO Gets Into the Season of Giving
11/5/2007 Report: Fink Officially Offered Top Merrill Job
11/5/2007 Analysts Come Back into Vogue at Fund Companies
11/5/2007 New Leveraged Rydex ETFs to Uncut ProShares on Expense Ratio
11/5/2007 The Sky is Falling on Chicken Little Funds
11/2/2007 The SEC Proposes Electronic Filings for Exemptions from the 40' Act
11/2/2007 Great Lakes, Great Jobs
11/2/2007 Vanguard Puts Tax-Exempt Bond Funds Under New Management
11/2/2007 New Lord, Abbett Website Targets Individual Investors
11/2/2007 Fido Limits Liability with Restructuring Move
11/2/2007 Banking Giants Bet on ETNs
11/1/2007 Columbia Management Picks Distribution Head as Its New President
11/1/2007 ING Adds Two Funds to Real Estate Line-Up
11/1/2007 Advisor Gives Insight into Mutual Fund Selection Process
11/1/2007 ProShares Adds Two New ETFs to the AMEX
11/1/2007 Eaton Vance Under New Management Following Hawkes' Retirement
11/1/2007 Morningstar's Q3 Net Rises 47 Percent
11/1/2007 Schwab Rolls Out Retirement Income Mutual Fund
11/1/2007 Mother Merrill Meltdown Miffs Money Market Funds
11/1/2007 WSJ: Fidelity to Swing the Axe
10/31/2007 Arrow Shoots for Absolute Returns with Second Fund Offering
10/31/2007 Northern Trust Global Advisors Hires Sprint Vet
10/31/2007 Midwestern Asset Manager Lands on Pershing's Platform
10/31/2007 WisdomTree Launches Pure International ETF No. 27
10/31/2007 Ivy Funds Plans an Expansion of its Wholesaler Ranks
10/31/2007 Vanguard on Darfur: Discussion over Divestment
10/31/2007 New Study Examines Morningstar's Rating System
10/31/2007 WSJ Notices Money-Market Woes
10/30/2007 Federated Scouts for Institutional Sales Chief
10/30/2007 Claymore Plans China Small-Cap ETF
10/30/2007 O'Neal Bids Adieu to BlackRock's Board
10/30/2007 MBIA Asset Management Readies Rollout of Inflation Protection Funds
10/30/2007 Sub-Prime Flu Spreading to Money Market Funds?
10/30/2007 ETNs Fall Under the Tax Man's Microscope
10/30/2007 Study: Compliance Limits BDs' Fund Menus
10/29/2007 Pax Snaps Up Women's Equity Fund
10/29/2007 BlackRock Shares Dip On Chatter Surrounding Fink
10/29/2007 Telekurs Financial to Offer NewRiver's Market Timing Data
10/29/2007 Is It the End of the World as We Know It For Muni-Bond Funds?
10/29/2007 Is the Top Job at BlackRock About to Open Up?
10/26/2007 Major Maryland Firms Have Many Open Positions
10/26/2007 Keeley Unveils a New Fund
10/26/2007 Fido Makes a Surprise Appearance on FRC's Best-Seller List
10/26/2007 Brightworks Ad
10/26/2007 WSJ Offers Bid-Ask Tips for ETF Investors
10/26/2007 Black Says Deep Bench of Talent Will Negate Recent Departures
10/25/2007 State Street Enhances Institutional Offerings
10/25/2007 Confluence Adds to Unity
10/25/2007 Vanguard and Fido are the Stars, So Where Does Your Fund Firm Rank in Growth Potential?
10/25/2007 A STAR (Fund Company) is Born
10/25/2007 ProShares Shorts the Globe
10/25/2007 Fragasso V. Rydex Case Gridlocked Over Jurisdiction
10/25/2007 OppFunds Hires Tech Vet for Dual Roles
10/25/2007 Bill Miller Not Going Anywhere, Says Legg Mason's Chief
10/25/2007 BofA Management Moves Leave Columbia Funds Without a Chief
10/25/2007 Fido See, Fido Do
10/24/2007 OppFunds Reports an XBRL First
10/24/2007 The Boston Company Begins Re-Building After Munder Lift-out
10/24/2007 AMG Snaps Up a Majority Stake in Philly Equity Manager
10/24/2007 T. Rowe Chief: Low Exposure to Risky Vehicles Is the Secret to Our Success
10/24/2007 Mutual-Fund Distributions in '07 Seen To Hit Record
10/23/2007 Stable Value Funds Don't Make the Cut In the QDIA Regs for 401ks
10/22/2007 Lord Abbett Hires a Replacement for One Muni-Bond Manager Lost to Lehman
10/22/2007 kasina Hires a Marketing Guru
10/22/2007 PowerShares Makes Use of Merrill Indexes for Municipal Portfolios
10/22/2007 Walden Cracks the OneSource Code
10/22/2007 Aberdeen Files For First Open-Ended Funds
10/22/2007 Putnam Says XShares to Launch Actively Managed ETFs
10/22/2007 Study: $920 Billion Will Flow to Target-Date, Target-Risk Funds in the Next Five Years
10/22/2007 Pearls of Wisdom Harvested After the '87 Crash Dot Today's Fund Track
10/19/2007 T. Rowe to Build Two New Towers to Accommodate Growing Staff
10/19/2007 Hancock Throws its Hat Into the Retirement Income Mutual Fund Arena
10/19/2007 Nuveen is the Latest to Join the Target-Date Race
10/19/2007 Survey: Equity Portfolio Managers Lead Investment Pros in Median Pay
10/19/2007 The Boston Job Party
10/19/2007 How McDonald's Brought Minorities into the Retirement Savings Net
10/19/2007 SEC's Donahue Is Concerned Over Back-Office Trends
10/19/2007 Skipper of Janus' Flagship Fund is Leaving
10/18/2007 Forward Management Takes Another International Step
10/18/2007 America First Launches its First Two Mutual Funds
10/18/2007 Eaton Vance Distributors Revamps Management Structure
10/18/2007 RiverSource Pumps out Three New Funds
10/18/2007 Janus' Multiples Concern Some Analysts
10/18/2007 State Street Faces Another Suit Over Losses in Bond Fund
10/17/2007 DeAM Taps Director to Be Climate Czar
10/17/2007 Confluence Taps Two Ex-Execs for its Board
10/17/2007 ProFunds Perfects Latin American Strategy
10/17/2007 WisdomTree Sets a Date for More ETF Transfers
10/17/2007 Pioneer Makes a Closed-End, Open-End Combo
10/17/2007 Cox's Consensus Conundrum
10/17/2007 Ex-Milberg Client Expected To Plead Guilty
10/17/2007 Dreyfus Plans Two Funds
10/16/2007 Northern Trust Names New CEO
10/16/2007 Net Flows into Active Funds to Hit 14-Year High
10/16/2007 XTF Appoints Sales and Distribution Head
10/16/2007 Northern Trust Taps Four Subadvisors for New Fund
10/16/2007 NYLIM Names Finance Chief
10/16/2007 Waddell & Reed Shares Get an Upgrade
10/16/2007 WSJ Explores the Downside to Rule 22c-2
10/16/2007 WSJ: Institutional Investors Stock Up on Convertible Bonds
10/15/2007 Putnam Beefs-Up Underlying Fund Offerings in its Target-date Funds
10/15/2007 Matthews Asian Funds Promotes Portfolio Manager to CIO Position
10/15/2007 Jensen Adds A Fifth Member to its Investment Management Committee
10/15/2007 AFBA Funds Score Three New Distribution Platforms
10/15/2007 SSgA Adds Three new Muni-SPDRS to its Product Line
10/15/2007 William Blair Adds New Fund to its Line-Up
10/15/2007 SAM's Mutual Funds Hit the Market
10/15/2007 Victims of Strong Funds' Insider Trading Have Yet to See any Money
10/15/2007 Growth Fund of America Crosses the $200-Billion Mark
10/15/2007 Janus' Marketing Chief: Whiston Approved Market Timing
10/15/2007 Fido Signals New Ad Direction with Marketing Chief's Departure
10/15/2007 Calpers Mulls Over a New Payment Scheme for its Fund Managers
10/12/2007 SunGard Bets Big on its Purchase of ASTEC
10/12/2007 Rydex Becomes the Latest ETF Shop to Relocate its Funds to the NYSE Arca
10/12/2007 American Century Mixes it Up with Expense Ratios
10/12/2007 Wirehouse Work Detail
10/12/2007 Confluence Picked as a Finalist in Tech Awards
10/12/2007 SEC Adviser: Soft Dollars Not Going to Make a Disappearing Act
10/12/2007 Ariel and Schwab Come Together to Discuss Black Investor Involvement
10/12/2007 SunAmerica Taps New Subadvisor for Large-Cap Growth Portfolio
10/12/2007 Returns Up, Assets Down at Fidelity
10/11/2007 Klein Taps Ex-HelioGraph Founder for Sales Role
10/11/2007 Clear Indexes Taps College Students for Product Design
10/11/2007 AHA's New Website Highlights its Distribution Strategy
10/11/2007 HealthShares Exchange One Platform for Another
10/11/2007 Franklin Templeton In the Running to Buy Share in Italian Asset Manager
10/11/2007 Lord Abbett Adds Three Share Classes
10/11/2007 The Nasdaq Welcomes Cubes Jr.
10/11/2007 Fido Plans Split of Fund Board in Two
10/10/2007 Eaton Vance Grabs Natixis Alum for Chief Legal Officer Post
10/10/2007 A New Study Makes a Pass at an Active Debate
10/10/2007 Analyst Says Manulife would be Loonie Not to Buy Now
10/10/2007 Trial of Former Janus Employees Begins
10/10/2007 A Hedge Fund for Everyone
10/9/2007 SEI: The Compliance Bar Will be Raised
10/9/2007 Target Dates Need More Stamps on Their Passports
10/8/2007 MediaWatch: An Ignites Reporter Heads to Bloomberg
10/8/2007 Litman/Gregory Selects Sub-Adviser for Re-Opened Fund
10/8/2007 Five New PowerShares Funds File Onto the AMEX
10/8/2007 Murky Succession Plan at Fidelity Sparks Takeover Rumors
10/8/2007 Quant Funds Bounce Back from a Rocky Summer
10/8/2007 New SPDR Crawls Over to the WSJ
10/5/2007 To Hedge or Not to Hedge, a Career Decision
10/5/2007 U.S Global Investors Adds a Legal Eagle and a Marketing Whiz to its Team
10/5/2007 Another SPDR Spins a Web on the AMEX
10/5/2007 F-Squared Sides with Active Fund Managers
10/5/2007 Murphy Takes Reins at ICI
10/5/2007 Fido Taps JPMorgan Vet to Head Up New Unit
10/5/2007 Jaffe: Fund Industry is a Picture of Tranquility
10/5/2007 Filing for RMK Fund Offers Look into Valuation After Subprime Mess
10/4/2007 Natixis Promotes Long Timer to Head of North American Asset Management
10/4/2007 The Reserve Brands with a New Bent
10/4/2007 SSgA Educates Intermediaries
10/4/2007 SSgA Vet Gains Independence
10/4/2007 New Research Supports Independent Directors
10/4/2007 XShares Pins Hopes on Target Date ETFs
10/4/2007 House Committee Set To Hold Hearing on 401k Fees
10/3/2007 Fido's Retirement Income Mutual Funds Come to Fruition
10/3/2007 Rydex Takes the Initiative to Educate About ETFs
10/3/2007 New ETF Player Moves to the Big Apple
10/3/2007 Codename Genesis: Mission XBRL
10/3/2007 ETFs Rally Retail Investors
10/2/2007 Mutual Fund Mavens Are Unsure That Fees are Market-Timing Magic Bullet
10/2/2007 Natixis Snags Award for its Fund Website
10/2/2007 Spitzer Clone Pens Book Bashing the Fund Industry
10/2/2007 BlackRock Targets the Pros with New Website
10/2/2007 Nazareth Nixes Re-Nomination
10/2/2007 Hancock Brings Back a Classic
10/2/2007 Confluence Adds to Unity
10/2/2007 Its in with the Old and in with the New at Wasatch
10/2/2007 Darfur Activists Slam Fund Firms Anew
10/2/2007 Activism Redux
10/2/2007 State Street Is Sued Over Losses At Two Bond Funds
10/2/2007 Growth May be a Growing Trend
10/1/2007 Fund Shop To Add Another Dimension to its Share Classes
10/1/2007 Fido Racks Up $660K Lobbying Tab for the First Half of 2007
10/1/2007 JPMorgan Fund Services Head Talks Expansion
10/1/2007 Abby's Power Pulls Through
10/1/2007 Integrity Introduces Total Return Fund
10/1/2007 American Century Moves All Back-Office Operations to JPMorgan
10/1/2007 Lord Abbett Files for Floating Rate Fund
10/1/2007 Fidelity Plans to Match Vanguard's Income Funds
10/1/2007 What's Behind the High-Level Turnover at American Century?

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