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Rating:Scudder Names New Director Of Marketing Not Rated 3.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, May 24, 2000

Scudder Names New Director Of Marketing

Reported by Paul Braverman

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Scudder Kemper Retirement Services has named Marc Cahn the new director of marketing.

"The first thing on the agenda is to bring Scudder and Kemper closer together," said Cahn. His position is the result of a restructuring designed specifically to accomplish that goal. While Scudder and Kemper will retain separate sales staffs, there will now be only one marketing team.

Kemper products are distributed through brokers, while Scudder relies on direct sales. As a result of the increased closeness, the Compass plan, Scudder's mid-market offering, will also be sold by brokers.

Cahn joined Scudder Kemper Investments in 1999 as director of ERISA plan services. Prior to that, he worked for Putnam, SEI, Barclays Bank, and law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius. He will report to Lorie O'Malley, president of Scudder Kemper.


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