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Rating:Oppenheimer Funds Names Webman Chief Economist Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Oppenheimer Funds Names Webman Chief Economist

Reported by Marie Glancy

OppenheimerFunds announced Wednesday that Jerry Webman, the firm's senior investment officer and director of fixed income, has been named its chief economist. It is the first time OppenheimerFunds has had an official chief economist since Marci Rossell left to join CNBC's "Squawk Box" in 2001.

Since then, Webman has shared the duties of chief economist -- including communicating with investors and advisors regarding economic trends and the the company's investment perspective -- with Kurt Wolfgruber, OppenheimerFunds' chief investment officer, said a spokesperson. Webman, who came to OppenheimerFunds from Prudential Mutual Funds in 1996, will now assume the role fully while continuing in his present position. 

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