SEC Commishes Give Unanimous OK to Speedy ETF Proposal
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

SEC Commishes Give Unanimous OK to Speedy ETF Proposal

SEC commissioners voted 3-0 yesterday to propose changes that would make it easier for ETF companies to bring their product to market. In Wednesday's The WSJ Fund Track, Judith Burns reports that under the new rules ETF sponsors would be able to bring their product to market directly, without going through the sometimes lengthy approval process. Some of the less transparent products may still be subject to the approval process as the new rules would only apply to passive and active ETFs that trade on national securities markets and provide daily pricing. Upon approval of the the proposal, Commissioner Paul Atkins echoed the sentiments of many ETF providers saying that when a review process takes months and occasionally years, some of the most innovative products may not even make it to market.

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